Globoaves fertile eggs are produced with strict sanitary and biosafety control




Internationally recognized for the health of its flocks, Brazil is an important world player in poultry farming. The productivity success of poultry farming is based on an efficiency triangle: Genetics, Feeding and Handling Due to its sanitary status (Avian Influenza- and Newcastle Disease-Free) Brazil figures as a major producer and exporter of fertile broiler and egg-layer eggs worldwide. The country has a sanitary agreement to export fertile eggs to more than 50 countries, thus complying with all necessary requirements.  Globoaves fertile eggs are produced in broiler breeder farms with strict sanitary and biosafety control. They receive special attention and operational cares, ensuring strict collection and pre-classification in order to minimize any contamination. All broiler breeder farms are served by specialized veterinarians and nutritionists and have an extensive sanitary and serological monitoring program that attests to the flock’s health. Added to this is the constant training of teams and quality and productivity improvement programs to always offer the best product to the customer.  All broiler breeder farms are certified and registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply.
